Ok, so I haven't written for a little bit. 21 days actually, but I've actually been busy. I went to Regina for G's graduation which was AMAZING. I can't believe its been 6 months! It wasn't bad considering it was November. I think it only got down to -8 but it was nice and sunny during the day (freezing rain over night).
I got home on Remembrance Day (unfortunately I missed going to the Cenotaph), had to finish loading my Mom's iTouch (I'm NOT an electronics type person) and loaded all the pics I took at G's grad to my computer (while somehow duplicating all 307 of them... twice, to different folders!).
It was my Mom's 60th birthday on the 12th and since I knew I'd be there for dinner and cake that night, G was coming home on the 13th and a bunch of his friends were having a surprise party for him HERE on the 14th, I had to clean and organize before he came home. Needless to say that I was up until 1:30am a couple of nights. At least I'm a night owl.
G's flight was supposed to be in around 8:30am, but due to weather problems he was stuck in the Regina airport for about 10/11 hours. Let me tell you, there is NOTHING to do in that airport. Poor guy didn't get home until 8:00pm. Not the happy welcome home I thought it would be. To get him out of the house for the party Friday night, I told him we needed to return my parents luggage to them and it seemed to work out. We had a great night.
I guess since all that it's just been work for me, starting a new job for G and both of us getting used to each other again! I'm hoping to stay home all day tomorrow (G works day shift) and craft (you've heard that before, but no HSM marathon this weekend!) so I'll hopefully have some new card pics up tomorrow. I have birthday, Christmas and Thank-you's to make. Wish me luck!