Friday, October 15, 2010

It's now fall........

Wow, haven't been on here for a while! I was inspired to write after seeing Jessica had posted to her blog. Of course she posted pics of crafty stuff and I don't have anything... yet! I've been quite busy the last few months taking a course. Who would have known with my high school grades that I'd pass ALL my exams! Now onto the practical work. I've neglected my craft room for far too long, so I'm hoping to get back down there. Of course my sister is coming next week for a visit (from New Zealand!) so unless I get something done before then, it may have to wait until after. I'm sooo excited to see her and get to know her kids. It's one thing to "know" them on skype, but it's a whole other thing to get to know them for real! Can't wait!

Stay posted and hopefully you'll see some fancy pics soon.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oops, missed these ones!

Ooops, these 2 cards should have been included in the last post! Can you believe it, 6 cards in one afternoon!
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Gord having a bad day = card making for me!

OK, so we got new appliances and it hasn't gone so well. The stove was damaged, the dishwasher knocks out the breaker and the fridge is louder than Gord thought. Sooo, he wasn't having such a great day on Sunday. I decided to get out of his hair and went down to my craft room to study and do some homework. When I finished that, I thought I should make a Mother's Day card and I ended up making 5 others! CRAZY! Anyway, here they are.... Still need to figure out how to post in an "attractive" way so bear with me.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

40th and Easter

So I've made 2 whole cards! The first 2 pictures are of a project we did in Stamp Club. I liked the stamp set so much I bought it! I put the six by six scrapbook page in a frame and gave it to my friend who I also made the 40th card for. I think I'll be making a few more of these. The next photos are pretty self explanatory.

Stamps by Amuse and Stampin' Up

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Craft room update...

Things are finally coming together in my craft room. Gord hung my stamp shelves and I got a few more "needed" items from Ikea. I love the Hensvik shelves on my desk, lots of places to put things! I also got rails to hang my punches (thanks Jess and Carrie!) but still need to find something to hang them all on so I don't have to put 100 holes in the wall. The wire baskets that also hang on the rails are the perfect size to hold my ribbon! Here are a couple photos.......

I still have alot of organizing to but I'm likin' it!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

It's been a pink kind of day!

So I finally spent some time in my craft room. I managed to get THREE cards done which is pretty good for me! I got these ideas from Splitcoast Stampers. All three were quick to make, it was coming up with the ideas and colours that took all the time. I'm hoping that I'm on a roll. Next time I'll try to use something other than pink! You can't tell but I used Stickles on all three cards to add a little bit of sparkle (the bird, flames on chandelier and dots on green flourish). Here's hoping I can stay on this crafting "blitz"!

Stamps by Amuse and Stampin' Up.
Punches by Marvy and Stampin' Up.
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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Old cards instead of new

Since I didn't make many new cards today, I thought I'd post a few older ones. I actually ended up sending some of these out this year as I didn't make any new Chrstimas cards this year due to the fact I was trying to get my craft room set up! You'll have to excuse the layout as I seem to be having trouble arranging stuff. Guess I'll have to get another tutorial from Jessica!

First card of 2010!!!!

Ok, so here's the first card made in my craft room! I ended up looking through stuff and looking at pics on the computer so this is all I did.... My problem is, I start looking at blogs and then don't have time to craft! I also started planning my next order for Stamp Club so that also took up some of my time. But it IS nice to have a room to call my own.

Craft Room pics!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so I've waited for this for soooooo long and here it is , my CRAFT ROOM! I haven't done much crafting in here yet as I was trying to clear out all the Christmas stuff. I still have a fair amount of organizing to do but I hope to get down there today.

I still need to get Gord to hang my stamp shelves on the wall and figure out where to put other odds and ends but I'm pretty happy with it! Any thoughts or ideas? I'm going to try to post pics of some cards later. I know I keep saying that but I'm hoping today is the day!