Well, I had planned on crafting all day today, but it didn't happen. I didn't plan on having a High School Musical marathon this weekend either and that DID happen! I looked after my friends kids Saturday night and ended up watching High School Musical 1 and 2. Is it just me or does it remind anyone else of Grease?!
Carly, J.J. and I hung out in the kitchen watching the movies while Max rested and watched his shows in the living room as he wasn't feeling well. It was quite a peaceful night!
Liz and Jason have started decorating the house for Halloween as that's their BIG holiday. Pumpkins hanging in trees, rats, heads on sticks, skeletons swinging from the trees............ It's quite the setup. They also decorate INSIDE and have a lifesize creepy guy that lifts his head off his shoulders. It freaked me out everytime I went back into the kitchen (after checking on Max). If anyone's in North Vancouver they should check it out! I'll try to post some pics.
So getting to the reason I didn't craft today................... I took the kids to HSM 3!!! On opening weekend! Liz mentioned they wanted to go and suggested I may like to take them since I was "on a role" with it all. I can't even remember the last movie I saw in the theatre. Anyway, considering I'm a little older than the intended audience, it wasn't so bad.
Actually I DID make one card earlier today. I used the Cuttlebug divine swirls and to make it a little fancier I went over the swirls with Star dust Stickles.