Friday, October 15, 2010

It's now fall........

Wow, haven't been on here for a while! I was inspired to write after seeing Jessica had posted to her blog. Of course she posted pics of crafty stuff and I don't have anything... yet! I've been quite busy the last few months taking a course. Who would have known with my high school grades that I'd pass ALL my exams! Now onto the practical work. I've neglected my craft room for far too long, so I'm hoping to get back down there. Of course my sister is coming next week for a visit (from New Zealand!) so unless I get something done before then, it may have to wait until after. I'm sooo excited to see her and get to know her kids. It's one thing to "know" them on skype, but it's a whole other thing to get to know them for real! Can't wait!

Stay posted and hopefully you'll see some fancy pics soon.

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